1Are all of your items used?
They are mostly used due to the nature of our business, we buy and sell used tech from several suppliers and sometimes individuals too. To ensure they're still fully functional and their longevity hasn't been affected, we test each item intently and are still yet to have a single return due to it not meeting the customer's expected standards!
2How can I part exchange?
If you're upgrading and looking to part exchange, simply head over to the contact form on our website for a bespoke quote and further details of how the part exchange process works.
3What postal service do you use?
We use different postal service, depending on the value of the item. However, we have the speediest, safest postal service.
4What's your returns policy?
Our returns policy can be found in the footer alongside our other policies. But to save some time, we usually offer a 30 day returns policy for any item that doesn't live up to the standards advertised on our site. That is 30 days from receipt of the item at your end to receipt of the item at our end, giving you sufficient time to test and make sure it's working as it should. We've been operating for nearly 2 years now and are yet to have anything returned due to our in depth testing of cards before we even list them for sale, so hopefully we can keep this up!
5What's the best way to get in touch with you?
Head over to our contact page for the easiest way to get in touch, when you fill out the contact form, the information is emailed straight to us. Or you can email directly at admin@usedrtx.com or via phone at +44 7923 129351.
6Where are you based?
We're based in Greece, but we dispatch sales every day, so you can order online, even if you live nearby! If you are thinking about collecting or dropping off an item with us then get in touch and we'll help you find us!